Well I have another Hero of the week. This morning I made a trip on the C-Train here in downtown Calgary and a gentlemen walked in with a cane. Those of us around the door were quick to make some room but then a gentlemen wearing company colors on his jacket stood up. Many others seated saw this man struggle with his mobility a bit but THIS Hero made sure he had a seat.
Now I know this may not seem like a big deal, but when was the last time you saw this in action? I got into my office and looked up this company online. I know this company pretty well as a dear high school friend of mine works there. On their front page are the words “Sustainable Service Solutions”.
I have to be honest this triggered me (in a great way) as I linked these two together! What is the one service that we can provide to everyone that is sustainable and a solution to all the negativity that we see in the press and in the rest of the world around us. That solution is to be, at all times, kind to one another.